Why be a member?
An ethical base from which to work
Backing of an association and assurances that go with it
Credibility with clients
PKPASA is working hard to get SETA recognition for our members
You will have a listing on the website
We will be working to promote PKP kinesiology as well as our members
Forms for Level 1 Students who are charging a nominal fee.
In order to charge a nominal fee of maximum R200, you need to have completed the following;
- all level 1 units, (ie BKP 101-110, EMS 201, RBT 201), all Student Assessment Journals, online tests, including Anatomy and Physiology and End of Series Exam as well as the end of Series on line test.
- ensure that your client is informed as to your status as a Level 1 Kinesiologist and that they sign a form acknowledging same;
- will request that each client fills in the Client Feedback Form at the end of the session and that this is handed in to your college to help upgrade your performance as required.
- agree that ALL client disclaimer and feedback forms may be requested by the College or PKPASA at any time and that they will be handed over as requested.Please follow this link to access your disclaimer and feedback forms – other forms as PDFWe suggest that you insert your name and your college name in the appropriate blocks before asking your client to complete the form. Please ensure that your college principal receives your client feedback forms. This will go towards your Mentored Clinical Practice Client Sessions