Although the official definition of Kinesiology is “the study of movement”, the term also refers to a complementary or alternative therapy that uses muscle testing (or muscle monitoring) to balance the body’s energy systems, thus boosting the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Specialised Kinesiology, also known as energy Kinesiology has a long history based in science, Eastern medicine, Applied Kinesiology and chiropractic. Having officially started as a branch of Chiropractic in the 1960s, it has evolved, over the years, into a multi-faceted, holistic healthcare modality that combines Western techniques with Eastern wisdom, thanks to the contributions of research pioneers who were also experts in their own field.
Kinesiologists may work with health and well-being issues such as stress, pain, nutritional issues, emotional problems and learning and behavioural difficulties. Unlike Applied Kinesiology, which tests muscles for strength, the more recently developed streams of Kinesiology use muscle testing as a form of biofeedback that enables the “decoding” of the messages your body is sending you in the form of symptoms.
Kinesiologists use muscle testing to identify imbalances in in the body’s structural, chemical, emotional, energies, among others, to establish the body’s priority healing needs and to evaluate the energy changes brought about by a broad spectrum of both manual and non-manual therapeutic procedures.
ICPKP Kinesiology is a non-invasive method that can help you to reduce stress and pain, improve performance at school, work, and home, in sports, in relationships, and promote health and well-being.
Kinesiologists have found that many factors, including mental stress or fears, our diet, our environment and the amount of exercise we do on a daily basis, affect muscle balance and hence our energy levels, posture and the way we function and feel. When all aspects of our lives are balanced, the best results follow and we function at our best.
A fundamental premise of Kinesiology is that the body has innate healing energy and is at all times doing its best to care for itself, but that sometimes it needs to be helped into a better position to achieve this care. Kinesiology recognises that there are flows of energy within the body that relate not only to the muscles, but also to every tissue and organ that makes the body a living, feeling being. These energy flows can be evaluated using muscle testing, which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of structural, chemical, or emotional balance. Kinesiology looks beyond the symptoms to restore balance.
You can watch a video of Dr Bruce Dewe the founder of ICPKP here