As a Specialised Professional Kinesiologist and a member of PKPASA, I agree to adhere to the Constitution and the Rules and Regulations of PKPASA.
I agree to be bound by the Disciplinary Code as set out in the Rules and Regulations. I will conduct myself in a professional and ethical manner, and in so doing, agree to:
Ensure that the client is always my highest priority, by consulting with the consent and participation of the client, or the parent/guardian where applicable
Respect the rights of my client, by informing and involving the client in the facilitation process and by ensuring their participation and choice;
Behave professionally, by upholding client confidentiality and respecting the confidentiality of any and all records, unless a legal duty disclosure operates;
Behave ethically, by facilitating within the Scope of Practice as set out in Schedule 2 and according to my training. I do not medically diagnose, prescribe or dispense unless licensed by the relevant authority to do so.
Any suggestions that I may make in terms of supplements, essences or other support are merely suggestions. I make this clear to the client;
Behave honestly, by explaining the process and by recognizing and respecting the validity of other methods of treatment and referring appropriately;
Provide the best service to my clients that I am capable of, by continuously seeking to improve my knowledge and skills by continuing my education in further Kinesiology courses and training as well as other appropriate courses ;
Administer my practice professionally, by advising the client of my fee structure, maintaining accurate records and practicing hygienically;
Uphold the integrity of all offices of PKPASA, by addressing any concerns I may have through the appropriate channels.
Advertise my academic level of Kinesiology appropriately and truthfully as set out by ICPKP.