Where did Kinesiology originate?

Kinesiology started as a branch of Chiropractic in the 1960s. Since then, it has evolved into a holistic complementary healthcare modality in which Eastern wisdom and Western techniques meet to promote healing. As a result, the field of Kinesiology now comprises different streams or forms that have been integrated to form a vast amount of knowledge and techniques designed to access and assess stress within the body-mind system.

Read more about kinesiology’s history.

The Professional Kinesiology Association of South Africa (PKPASA) focuses on the stream of Kinesiology known as PKP (Professional Kinesiology Practice) and uses material from ICPKP (International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice).

How stress affects us

Although stress can be beneficial in the sense that it is a motivator, it is usually defined as what we feel when the limits of our endurance (mentally, emotionally or physically) are being severely tested. In the right amount, stress can help us finish a demanding race or meet a strict work deadline. Once the task accomplished, the body, which is wonderfully well-equipped to adapt to stress and to heal itself, naturally restores its own equilibrium and health. However, when exposure to stress in prolonged and action to relieve the stress is not taken, this innate self-healing ability is undermined, and we feel increasingly overwhelmed and out of control. The problem is that the pace of modern life tends to generate more negative stress than positive stress.

Stress can be emotional, mental, spiritual or physical, and in every case, it can lead to illness. It has a direct effect on the gut and on the immune and hormonal systems, as well as on the brain and liver function. We may experience aches and pains, an inability to sleep, anxiety, a feeling of anger and frustration, indigestion, fatigue, an inability to cope, skin disorders, frequent colds, apathy, depression, feelings of hopelessness, disease, etc. The range of problems caused by stress is endless!

These ailments are our body’s way to attract our attention to the fact that it is stressed and out of balance. Your body is literally talking to you! Treating the symptoms only is like killing the messenger for bringing bad news. It is important to find out what the message is and what area of your life it is telling you about!

Even though is an inevitable consequence of modern life, the damage it may cause is not. You may not be able to control everything happening in your environment, but you do have the power to control your response to what is happening. In times of stress, Kinesiology can help to find out what our body is trying to say and why you are not responding to stress appropriately.

The art of muscle testing and its benefits

Kinesiologists use muscle testing as a biofeedback mechanism to access and assess information on your health and well-being. In other words, muscle testing allows the Kinesiologist to “talk to your body” by accessing conscious, subconscious and body memory, and to identify imbalances in the body’s structural, chemical, mental and emotional energy systems, as well as the external factors that may be affecting the client’s health and well-being. More importantly, kinesiology addresses the communication between these systems. By correcting these imbalances, the Kinesiologist is able to re-activate the body’s innate self-healing ability and to identify external factors affecting the client’s well-being.

ICPKP Kinesiology is a participatory process. As a result, the client is both involved and empowered when it comes to making the changes required for them to regain control of their life and the ability to make informed choices.  Kinesiologists help their clients recognise stressors, and adapt to them, in a way that is safe and effective. They support the health and well-being of their clients to help prevent the vast array of health issues that are associated with the chronic activation of the body’s stress response.

ICPKP Definition

Kinesiology is a communication tool that enables a person to assess and upgrade their performance in all areas of their life. Kinesiology is the science of energy balancing and is grounded in the study of anatomy and physiology. Kinesiology uses muscles as monitors of stress and imbalance within the body. Kinesiology enables people to detect and correct various imbalances that may relate to stress, nutrition, learning problems, minor injuries, and other issues they meet in their daily life.